Weight loss and wellness center
Sometimes lose weight sounds easy, but the reality proves to be anything but. Improper diet can 'lead, over time, to an increased weight and fat mass, as well as a variety of disorders that can put your health at risk.
Our pharmacy has specialized for years in dietetics and nutrition. Inside the pharmacy you can find a department dedicated to those who want to lose weight and get fit and specialized consultants to which you can go for a simple consultation or to make you follow step by step in a correct feeding program for fitness. Our pharmacy is the center Messeguè reference Lugano and the entire canton of Ticino.
Our motto is: Health Professionals, Consultants Wellness & Beauty.
1 day : ideal balance

1 day per week of fasting seeds to purify, strengthen and restore the line. Give your body a "break" day a week that will allow him to find the perfect balance.
6 days: weight-loss without waivers

A light diet for those who want to lose weight up to 3 kg without giving up pasta.
7 days: vegetarian

If you need to lose up to 3 kilos in a simple and natural.
14 Days: weight loss to get back the shape

Protein meals, sweet and salt snacks for those who want to lose between 3 and 5 kg.
28 days: stay healtly in a renewed body

You will met your target in a easy and successful way. Togheter with diet guides , menu’ plans ,protein meals, sweet and salt snacks.
Post diet: to maintain stable results

A selection of health foods, protein preparations, meal substitutes, snacks, supplements to support the metabolism of fat and sugar. A great help for those who has lost weight and want to help to maintain the results achieved.
Health and decoctions only nature to drink

Our decoctions contain 70% of medicinal herbs , water and anything else free of sugar , free of alcohol and free of preservatives each compound contains 9 to 21 plants strenghtening each other their effects the result is a perfect harmony to meet the target formulated to work specifically :
- improving the lymphatic circolation
- strenghtening the body especially in a stressful time
- stimolating the bowel
easy and ready to drink it !
Natural tablets a natural way to be healthy

Tablets formulated to help the body-balance specially in a stressful time or when the body needs help to regain energy. Come to meet us, our aim is to make you feel welcome and confortable. Our fully trained and qualified staff offer professional advice and a friendly support..